Tips For Creating Your Ultimate 2020 Travel Bucket
How to Create the Perfect Travel Bucket List for 2020
Bucket lists are not just for people in their twilight years. A bucket list is an acknowledgment of things you want to achieve and goals for planning ahead. Creating travel bucket lists is no child’s play. There are thousands of breathtaking destinations, with different local languages, climatic conditions, security situations, costs of living, laws and several other factors that you have to take into consideration before settling on a destination. This article provides a succinct but inclusive guide to creating bucket lists and some of the things you need to consider while preparing your 2020 travel bucket list.
Tip #1: Put Up a Wall Map
Viewing possible destinations from a wall map is the perfect way to estimate distances and possible travel costs relative to your budget before making your final decision. This method is also great for regular travelers who may wish to avoid going to the same places or similar destinations too many times. Once you travel to a place, you can mark it with a pen and circle out all nearby destinations.
Be sure to include this step in your filter-down procedure if you are a visual person.
Tip #2: Pinterest is a Great Shortcut for Novices
If this is your first time arranging a holiday for yourself, you may find it even harder deciding on a destination. Pinterest is a great place to start if you are in this kind of situation.
Assuming you already have an idea of the experience you want to have, start by creating a board related to your desired destination. Next, pin the specific items that are linked to travelling to the intended destination. Pinterest boards give you so much information in one interface, and that is exactly what you would be looking for given the sheer number of options available to you. You can also visit review sites for more information on whichever destination you settle for.
Tip #3: Consider Creating a Bucket List Wish Jar
A bucket list wish jar is a special jar or similar container that some avid travellers use as external memory storage for new-found travel destinations. You most likely spend a great deal of your time on the internet, and, once in a while, you bump into an article or a video of something you would wish to do in the foreseeable future. To avoid forgetting your new discoveries, you can record them on pieces of paper and place them in a jar. When it’s finally time to create a bucket list, you can narrow down the options in your jar into whatever number of places you would like to visit.
This is a great way to build a bucket list for the long-term. It may not work for you if you need an urgent solution, so be sure to go over the other tips in the list.
Tip #4: Use Mobile Apps
These days, there are mobile apps for virtually everything, even ones which you can use to create bucket lists. You can also conduct a random search on the internet and find a website that gives some cool bucket list ideas to help you get started. Most of these apps and websites are so comprehensive you can use them to plan your trip, including creating a bucket list, and ticking off activities while you are on holiday. Some apps help you collaborate with the people you are travelling with and share ideas without having to meet in the flesh. You may even receive reminders and alerts on panned trips and important news about the destination, including weather changes and political climate. If you are planning a series of travels in 2020, then finding an app for creating bucket lists should be at the very top of your 2020 bucket list.
Again, this strategy is great for travellers who are always on the go and risk repeating destinations and activities. You should also keep yourself aware of currency fluctuations. Use a mobile app to check currency trends and note the destinations where your buying power is the best.
Tip #5: Keep a Journal
If you fancy writing your daily experiences and thoughts down on a journal, then you may already have the perfect way to create your bucket list for 2020. It is an old school technique but it works wonders for people who are already accustomed to it. All you need to do is jot down a destination or holiday idea each time something interesting crosses your mind. In a few days, you will have recorded enough ideas to create a final bucket list without referring to other sources.
Journals also help you write down the activities you would like to take part in while at the destination of your choice.
Everyone has a method that aligns well with their interests. Pick an option that suits you best from the list and start laying out your 2020 travel plans.