Proven Tips For Hiking With Your Dog

Hiking With Your Dog

Proven Tips To Make Your Next Hiking Experience With Your Dog The Best Yet

Hiking is one of the best ways to exercise and enjoy nature. Having your dog accompany you makes your hiking an extremely rewarding experience. If your dog could describe his or her most memorable day, it will include roaming in different terrains and sniffing new opportunities with his or her favorite human being beside him.

Hiking With Your Dog

Hiking with your dog will brighten his (her) mood, improve his health and strengthen your bond. If you are planning to go for a hike with your pup, you need to prepare and plan accordingly.  This means that you should carry everything you and your dog will need depending on the terrain as well as understanding your dog’s body language. Today, we are going to discuss proven tips to make your next hike fun for you and your furry friend. Keep reading.

Finding the best trail

In large part,  your dog’s hiking experience will depend on the trail you choose. It’s important to do some research before taking your dog on a hike. First, research the number of hiking spots around your location to get more information about specific spots, length of trails, and any difficult terrain.  You can use apps and read online reviews.  Consider your dog’s ability to climb over rough terrain and how far they can comfortably hike.  Start with shorter hikes and build from there.

Hiking With Your Dog

If you’ll be visiting a National Park, you should keep in mind that they are quite restrictive when it comes to hiking with dogs. This is understandable considering the wildlife, number of visitors and dangerous terrain. The best places to go hiking with your dog include National Forests, Monuments, and Parks.  Consult local hiking guides to determine if dogs are allowed on the trails.

Leash your furry friend

In most cases, your dog will be required to remain on-leash every single time. However, some trails may make it difficult for your dog to remain on-leash. In such a case, you can use the off-leash command to direct your dog. This means that you should start training your dog as early as possible. By doing this, you’ll enhance the safety of your dog and other people on the trail.

Training a dog is no easy task but once he masters his lessons, and you learn the proper techniques, you won’t have any problems along the way. Introducing your furry friend to the hiking world takes a lot of time and attention in the beginning. You need to start slow and work your way up gradually.

Hiking With Your Dog

When it comes to verbal commands, you have to be consistent. Practice with your dog at home as much as you can. If he tends to ignore some commands at home, it’s best to put him on-leash every time out.

On your hiking adventures, you never know what you will encounter and if wildlife may be present.  Therefore, you should stay close to your dog if you decide to take him off-leash. Since not everyone is comfortable around dogs, you should be conscious of other hikers on the trail.

The temperatures and your dog

Extreme temperatures can be a huge challenge while hiking. And it means adequate preparation and paying close attention to your dog. If your dog has a short coat, it would be better if you went for a hike during early spring. On the other hand, dogs with thick coats can do pretty well during winter due to their tolerance of cold weather.  Be cautious though of snowy and icy conditions

If your dog stops moving and starts picking up their paws, he’s too cold. You can use coats and booties or shorten the hiking distance to make things bearable for him. Pay attention to his walking pace, and breathing rate regularly.

If the temperature is too high, most dogs start lagging or moving towards the side of the road to lay down. Taking a break under a shade and giving him water will help him relax. Hiking demands more than a regular walk therefore, it’s important to take a break from time to time.

Dealing with an injured dog

If your dog gets hurt, you should calm down and assess the situation. If the condition is critical, you should seek help immediately. You need to do your research and learn how to use the first aid kit. You should also consider bringing a climbing harness and rope to assist your dog in case he gets injured. Remember, any plan is better than no plan.  Always hike with a cell or satellite phone so you can call for assistance if necessary.

Hiking essentials

Hiking With Your Dog

You’ll need to bring water and snacks both for you and your furry friend. You should never leave behind your leash. Other essentials include hiking shoes, a map or GPS, First Aid kit, jacket and rain gear, sunscreen, lighter, extra pair of socks, a lamp and a comfortable bag to carry.

Encountering other animals

In most cases, your dog will interact with people, animals, and events on the trail positively. However, it’s always important to be prepared for any situation on the trail. If you encounter an aggressive dog along the way, you should leash your dog right away and keep your distance. You can allow your dog to chase squirrels and other small animals only if he obeys commands fully.


Hiking with your dog is a skill. The more you do it, the better you’ll become and the more you’ll enjoy your hiking outings. It’s always important to prepare yourself adequately before getting out of your house. Creating a packing list can save you a lot of time and money. Do not limit yourself or your dog by walking around your neighborhood, explore new areas. Hiking is a great opportunity for you and your dog to bond and improve your physical and mental health.


About the Author:  Justin is a marketing specialist from Leicester, UK. When not working and rooting for Leicester FC, he likes to discuss new trends in digital marketing and share his own ideas with readers on different blogs and forums. Currently, he is working as a content marketer at

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