Reasons To Be Inspired By Social Media Travel Influencers
Why Your Next Vacation Destination Should Be Inspired by Social Media Travel Influencers

Where do you find the inspiration to choose a travel destination? Many globetrotters today would probably have the same answer – travel influencers. Over the past decade, social media accounts such as travel Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube channels dedicated to posting fantastic vacation content have helped travelers plan many aspects of their getaways. From finding the cheapest accommodation to trying unusual global cuisine, the abundance of content shared by social media travel influencers makes it much easier to decide where to go and what to do.
The value of travel influencers
Let’s face it; travel can be quite expensive. And we’ve all heard about vacation horror stories to know that it’s not worth it to simply take a chance. The value of objective feedback and reviews from users is perhaps one reason why top travel Instagram accounts are the go-to for many who are planning their vacations. You get to browse amazing photos and videos and get suggestions on must-see spots and plenty of hidden gems. Let’s take a closer look at why these influencers are valuable not only for the travel industry but also for every person who plans a vacation.
Their experiences are learning opportunities.
A reputable travel influencer is passionate about discovering and trying experiences that will help educate the viewer. For instance, a blogger who posts food-related content will have insider information on which restaurants offer the best value for money. Often, tourists get trapped into spending their money on trendy places but fail to find the best locations because they’re too afraid to try something new. If you take time to read recommendations from travel bloggers, you’ll know which tourist traps to avoid and find safe and affordable restaurants with the best local food.
Inspiration to try new adventures.
Many people who travel abroad always visit the most famous spots. Unfortunately, these places tend to get crowded. And instead of a one-of-a-kind experience, you’ll end up with the same generic “touristy” approach to your vacation. Travel influencers break the mold by doing things that are off the beaten track. They look for the most unique and exciting locations that will inspire the traveler in you to become more adventurous.
Immerse yourself in the lives of the locals.
If you love culture and people, you’ll appreciate travel influencers that post about their raw interaction with locals. Instead of swanky hotel rooms, you’ll find out what it’s like to stay in alternative accommodation. Some say that the best way to get to know more about a specific culture is to live like a local, and travel bloggers will give you a glimpse of how to do it safely while having fun.
Objective feedback and reviews.
A majority of travel influencers post objectively about the destinations they’ve visited. While it’s true that some receive compensation to promote, you’ll still find some influencers that value their integrity. What’s great about user-generated feedback is how it can help you make informed decisions in planning your vacation.
High-quality content from passionate individuals.
Most people don’t know that it takes time, effort, and money to curate high-quality content. If these travel bloggers aren’t passionate about what they do, you’ll notice it right away. Top influencers on social media today use the latest gadgets to take videos and photos. Many of them have also abandoned their ordinary lives to travel the globe for their followers’ benefit.
Indeed, travel inspiration from bloggers and influencers have immense value for the travel industry. If you haven’t followed one yet, perhaps now is the time to do it. And since there are many travel niches to choose from, you’ll surely find an influencer that posts the kind of content that appeals to your preferred travel experiences.
Will influencers continue to change the way we travel?
There’s no denying the impact of influencers on the industry, but is it just a passing trend? According to a 2019 statistic, the travel influencer market is worth about $2 billion and will increase in the coming years. Consumers today are becoming more dependent on social media in making decisions – and traveling is no exception. The photos and videos shared on these platforms are enough to put an obscure destination on the map. Surely, it is not a passing trend.
In conclusion, planning a vacation that is inspired by travel influencer posts is a good thing. We’ve mentioned the many benefits of trusting a travel blogger to encourage you to try new things. Instead of getting boxed-in by the typical tourist attractions, bloggers will open your eyes to destinations and experiences that would have only stayed in your imagination. Also, knowing that someone else vouches for it helps give you more courage to experiment and go out of your comfort zone. So, for your next vacation, do start browsing influencer accounts on social media to plan a unique getaway for you and your family.