Traveling To a Destination Wedding Post-Covid Tips
Tips for Attending Destination Weddings Post-COVID
Destination weddings are probably going to make a comeback once the pandemic is over. The majority of the 2020 weddings were either conducted virtually, canceled, or postponed. Moving forward, hosts are keen to revive their dream wedding planners, and we’ve highlighted some of the tips you should consider if you’re looking to accept the invitation.
Forge Ahead
As much as you want to attend that wedding you have been anticipating for months or even years, it’s important to keep in mind that prior preparation matters more in the Post-Covid era than ever before. Things have changed, and how weddings are going to be conducted will probably change as well.
Besides making sure you’re in good health, you want to save enough money to fund your travel to that destination wedding. Your invitation to the wedding matters a lot, especially to the groom and the bride, who made sure you’re among the “invites only.”
By planning for the wedding in advance, you avoid financial inconveniences, last-minute cancellations, or other mishaps that could otherwise be solved by forging ahead. More often than not, the hosts will pay for a few wedding expenses. This means that they will expect that you pay for other costs, from travel, accommodation to food and drinks that aren’t part of the wedding events.
Mind the Distance: Out of Town/Country Wedding?
Most destination weddings will be held away from the couple’s hometown. Sometimes this could mean some hundreds of miles away or even out of the country. Before accepting the invitation and planning to attend, you want to consider if you are in a position to travel all that distance.
Some of the factors to consider could include your health condition, age, work occupation, and perhaps your financial status. At times, the cost of attending a destination wedding, from the airfare, paying for a hotel room to living large on some private beach, can be quite unbearable.
If the wedding is to occur in a nearby city or town and you can confirm your availability, that would be better. Always communicate with the hosts and make it clear whether you’ll be available to attend the wedding or not. If not, you can send your gift through someone or maybe promise to deliver the gift at your convenient time.
Wedding Gifts Still Matters
As part of the wedding etiquette for guests, a gift means a lot to the newlyweds. Sometimes the gift is a sign of good luck or just a gesture of goodwill. According to wedding wire, if you receive an invitation to a wedding, regardless of whether it’s down the street or destination, you should always send the couple a gift, provided it’s one within your budget.
It’s worth noting that the old rule of “paying for your plate” when choosing a gift doesn’t necessarily apply. A wedding gift isn’t about thanking the hosts for inviting you; rather, it’s about celebrating the couples’ achievement as they take one step further in their lives. It’s a way of saying congratulations and shouldn’t be seen as a measure of what you’re worth or how much you owe them.
For destination weddings, if you compromise the idea of traveling with a gift but still make time to fly to that overseas city, your attendance probably matters the most. In this case, a nice card will do, and they will surely appreciate it.
Inquire about the Wedding Venue
Even as we look forward to a post-Covid era, it’s pretty obvious that social events will still proceed with safety protocols in place. Social distancing measures will eventually fade, but until then, a spacious wedding venue remains a priority for a majority of social events. Before you can attend a given wedding, you want to inquire about the wedding venue. Ask more about the venue capacity; does it have an outdoor wedding space, and how many guests can it accommodate at a time?
If, on the other hand, you’re inviting guests to your wedding in or around New York City, there are a couple of wedding destinations that offer both indoor and outdoor events spaces. One is the Brooklyn Wedding Venue that boasts 15,000 square feet enough to accommodate all the guests. It also features an open rooftop space that accommodates up to 150 seated guests.
As a rule of thumb, your guests would love a destination wedding venue where they can access indoor and outdoor spaces. This ensures that they can enjoy the wedding event in an open environment and have a place to take cover in unprecedented harsh weather.
Final Comments
Attending a destination wedding can be mind-blowing, but there’s more to it than just partying and having a good time. All the above tips aren’t only going to prepare you to attend the wedding but also gauge your preparedness to accept an invitation offer.