Essential Checklist for Working Abroad

Thinking of Working Abroad? Here’s Your Checklist
Leaving the comfort and security of your home country to embark on a new adventure overseas can be a little daunting. It is often a complicated process with a lot of moving parts. It can be easy to get overwhelmed by the complexities of the move. Breaking down the move into smaller tasks can make it easier. Use the following as a checklist for planning your move and work abroad.
Research Your Destination
Look up the local laws and regulations for your new country. Discover the differences between your home country and the one that you are moving to. Contact the appropriate personnel, whether an embassy or a consulate. Do your due diligence when it comes to vaccines, taxes, insurance, permits and visas.
File your applications well in advance. Ask your employer for help; some visas require employment before entering the country, like H2B visas which Farmer Law PC can help you with. But some allow you to move and find work after. Pay attention to what documentation you need and whether or not it has an expiration date.
Healthcare Provisions
Work out what healthcare you will be eligible for in your new country, some countries have nationalized healthcare you can access, and some require insurance or charge foreign citizens to access it. Stock up on important medications before the move to ensure that you don’t run out before you can get set up in your new home. Consider taking out health insurance for peace of mind.
Sell or rent out your home before you leave the country. Create contingency plans should things fall through. Consider buying property in your new country to give you more security. Contact a realtor and a lawyer for help. Renting is often easier, and it might be a better option for you financially. Check whether your new job includes housing and if the house comes furnished or not.
Prepare Your Documentation
Make sure that you have all your documents in order well in advance of your leaving date. Request copies of said documents and allow several weeks for their arrival. Ensure that you have both physical and digital copies of things like your passport, proof of citizenship, vaccination records, driving license, employment and academic records and proof of residence or your new job.
Additional Considerations
Organize your finances before you leave, review your accounts and notify the banks of your intentions. Seek advice on how best to handle your assets. Check whether you will need a new bank account after moving and whether your credit cards will work in your new country. Get an international driving permit before you go and check the legality of driving overseas. Use your research to determine your obligations.