Digital Nomad’s Guide to Moving the UK

The Digital Nomad’s Guide to the United Kingdom

Moving to a foreign country is an exciting new chapter in life. However, without the right kind of planning or preparation, you can easily turn a sweet moment into a sour one. From navigating immigration procedures to adapting to a digital nomad lifestyle, the challenges presented when moving abroad can feel rather daunting. That’s why you need to get all your papers in order and plan as thoroughly as possible before you decide to make the move.

However, if there’s one place where we’re sure you’ll feel just at home, it’s the UK. Great Britain is a small yet mighty country full of diverse nationalities and cultures. If you don’t know how to get started, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog, we will explore ten things digital nomads should consider when moving to the United Kingdom. Keep reading to find out what they are.

Research and Plan Ahead

Before you book your ticket or find a place to stay, it’s important that you do your research. Find out what airports or train stations are closest to your destination and how you plan to arrive. You should also research the best neighbourhoods to live in. Create a checklist of all the tasks you need to complete.

Get Immigration Sorted

You can’t simply show up in the UK without the right paperwork. Depending on your nationality, this can be a lengthy process so make sure to ask the local embassy how to proceed. Once you know what the procedure entails, you can obtain the correct visa and get all your important documents in order.

Find a Healthcare Option

Your health is the most important thing you should look out for, and, in the UK, residents can make use of the NHS. However, the easiest way to ensure your wellbeing is in order is by purchasing travel health insurance. There are plenty of different options available for digital nomads so make sure you do your research.

Brush Up on the Local Lingo

If you already speak English fluently, you may not have a problem adjusting to the local lingo. However, people in the UK love their slang. Not only will learning a few terms help you navigate conversations, but it can also help you integrate with your local community with greater ease.

Create a New Budget

As with any new country you visit, you’ll need to create a new budget for your lifestyle. Make sure to calculate your earnings into Great British Pounds (GBP) and create a spreadsheet

with a list of your expenses. Be aware of the exchange rates and use an online bank account like TransferWise to save on conversion fees.

Understand the Culture

While you’re in the UK, you should make the most of understanding the culture. For example, offering a cup of tea to locals is an important part of the hospitality culture. Other ways to blend in like a local includes standing in lines patiently and respecting the personal space of others.

Connect with the Locals

Want to know how a true local navigates the UK? Visit your local pub and strike up a friendly conversation with the people in your area. You can ask them all about their best tips and recommendations. This will help you make the most of your town, and you may even make some friends.

Give Yourself Time to Settle

As with any foreign country, moving to the UK can come as a bit of a culture shock. Therefore, it’s important that you give yourself some time to settle in. Take a few days off of work when you move and wander around to familiarise yourself with your local area.

Don’t Over Pack

Although having all your items with you can bring a sense of comfort. It’s important that you refrain from overpacking. You don’t really need to bring 10 pairs of shoes with you. Instead, make sure you only bring what is necessary. The weather can be rather unpredictable so don’t forget to pack an umbrella and raincoat.

Find a Digital Nomad Community

If you’re feeling a bit under the weather or finding it difficult to adjust, don’t hesitate to find a digital nomad community. Three are tons of other people in the exact same position as you. A quick search on Facebook and we’re sure you’ll find a group of friendly nomads looking to partake in activities.

Overall, the move to a foreign country can be rather life changing. But you want to ensure you make this the most positive experience possible. Remember to plan profusely and get as much as you can ready before you even step foot in your new country. Once you’ve arrived, don’t forget to take things slowly and give yourself time to settle in. We guarantee that you’ll be feeling like a local in no time.

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