Cape Town’s Spectacular Summer Wildflower Season

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Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens South Africa

Cape Town’s Summer Season: Nature’s Own Flower Show

Somerset South Africa

Traveling is the greatest opportunity we have to discover a new world with every new trip we take and become familiar with local cultures and customs. Among the endless range of amazing locations to consider for your next vacation, Cape Town comes with endless attractions that make you include it on your list.  It is the second city in terms of population density in South Africa and the largest one in terms of surface. It is also the capital of Western Cape, the main province in the area and the legislative capital of the country. Among numerous attractions it has to offer, the beauty of this land in the summer is also given by the flower show that can be discovered there.

The Best Season for Amazing Floral Discoveries

August and September are the best months to consider for your travel there if you want to experience wild flowers in the most beautiful shape and color of the year. Mid- September is the time when the yearly Flower Show takes place. There are endless options in terms of flower watching spots that can offer you the best experience ever.

Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens South Africa

Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens is one of the most attractive places in the world and one where the Flower Show reveals to the public in a magical way. Other great botanical gardens and parks to consider for this are Table Mountain National Park, Cape of Good Point, Harold Porter Botanical Gardens and the Walker Bay Nature Reserve.  The Community Garden in Montagy as well as the Bababeep Nature Reserve and the Soekershof Gardens at Mo & Rose complete the list perfectly.

Cape Town: The Amazing Land of Rich Flora and Fauna

Cape Town is a popular touristic attraction especially for its white sandy beaches that people love to go to for their yearly trips. However, there is much more to this place than just the sand and the warming sun in the summer. Flora and fauna are really rich in this area and seem to come from a different world that has not been yet discovered. This city is located in a gorgeous biodiversity hotspot from the Cape Floristic Region thus has the most increased level of biodiversity in the entire world.

There are protected areas there that are part of the World Heritage Site and more than 2.200 species of special plants can be seen on Table Mountain only. Many of these special species can only survive in the mountains and will only be discovered there. Therefore, in case you are a fan of nature and want to discover unique miracles from the floral segment, this is the right place to consider for this.

South Africa Wildflower

Nature’s Personal Flower Show in the Land of Magic

Cape Town can be considered a real land of magic if we were to consider its diversity in terms of attractions for tourists looking to have some fun there every year.  More than 19 different vegetation types can only be discovered in the mountain area of this city and do not reveal themselves to tourists anywhere else in the world. Just being able to witness something that only comes up to the surface in a single blessed place on this planet makes it the greatest tourist attractions for people from around the globe.

South Africa Flora

Every year, people attracted by the magic of nature in this area go to attend the Cape Town Flower Show that reveals new mysteries in terms of beautiful natural lifestyles, gardening and valuable art of floristry. Right from the beginning of your trip during the summer season, you will be amazed by the colorful corolla of lily species found in this region. Getting to the Castle of Good Hope during the Flower Show will simply get better and better because there is no limit to how much you can discover or learn about the richness and beauty of their floral land.

South Africa Flowers

The Wonders of the Yearly Flower Show at the Castle of Good Hope

This yearly event is all about perfect gardens and gardening activities as well as the way in which mastery floristry art can be revealed to the world. This is also considered an amazing lifestyle fair show that showcases the latest trends in the field of planting for experts and amateurs willing to get to the next level. You can also go back home with new design ideas for beautiful outdoor living and create your own little space of happiness wherever you live.

Expect to witness great show gardens that will offer you a wide range of fantastic insights on how your own corner of magic flora could look like at home. The organizers also focus on displaying the magical use of gorgeous flowers in art as well as the most amazing horticultural exhibits during the event. Everything that is old and new in the field of floral art will be revealed during the yearly Floral & Garden Show that you can witness in this city. Find proper accommodation in the best villas in Cape Town next year and get ready to experience new thrills of amazing discoveries!

About The Author: Author Bio: Peter Smith is a travelling freak who has travelled many destinations around the world. He also loves writing about his
traveling experiences and the places he has explored.

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